Better UX in the editor when working with app texts / translation
Hello, everyone! How are you?
I've been working on app development with Bubble for a while now. In my opinion, one of the most important aspects of creating a good app is the user experience.
Recently, I've been developing apps for different countries, each with its own specific needs. One of the most challenging and time-consuming parts is dealing with languages.
Most of the time, I need to develop apps with multilingual support. Bubble's solution for this is not practical at all.
So, I came up with a simple suggestion for what an ideal experience for managing texts in different languages could look like. In the image below, you'll see the idea illustrated.
Basically, when you select a text element, or elements containing text, there would be an option to choose the language in the properties window, with the default language already set and the possibility to create specific texts for each language.
I really hope that one day this solution will be implemented.
Thank you in advance