Submit your ideas

Let us know how we can make Bubble better! Though we can't guarantee we'll build every submission, we do consider this feedback seriously when setting our roadmap.

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1,540 Ideas

Dynamically choose a field of a data type to update
I think we should be able to set a variable ("field_name") to type "text" and then in a backend workflow make changes to a thing and set the field to be updated by using the dynamic "field_name" variable and then set the value. This will prevent backend workflows with many conditionals. I am sure this would be beneficial in other locations as well and tha aim is to cut down on conditionals. For example in a reusable element if we want to build our own button to click and make changes to a thing. Right now we have to add loads of conditionals on which field to update when we could just have an exposed state of field name and an exposed state of value and then the reusable element workflow could be when clicked make changes to the data type update the dynamic field with the new value.
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Better UX in the editor when working with app texts / translation
Hello, everyone! How are you?
I've been working on app development with Bubble for a while now. In my opinion, one of the most important aspects of creating a good app is the user experience.

Recently, I've been developing apps for different countries, each with its own specific needs. One of the most challenging and time-consuming parts is dealing with languages.

Most of the time, I need to develop apps with multilingual support. Bubble's solution for this is not practical at all.

So, I came up with a simple suggestion for what an ideal experience for managing texts in different languages could look like. In the image below, you'll see the idea illustrated.

Basically, when you select a text element, or elements containing text, there would be an option to choose the language in the properties window, with the default language already set and the possibility to create specific texts for each language.

I really hope that one day this solution will be implemented.

Thank you in advance
Better user experience in the editor working with app texts / translations
Hello, everyone! How are you?
I've been working on app development with Bubble for a while now. In my opinion, one of the most important aspects of creating a good app is the user experience.

Recently, I've been developing apps for different countries, each with its own specific needs. One of the most challenging and time-consuming parts is dealing with languages.

Most of the time, I need to develop apps with multilingual support. Bubble's solution for this is not practical at all.

So, I came up with a simple suggestion for what an ideal experience for managing texts in different languages could look like. In the image below, you'll see the idea illustrated.

Basically, when you select a text element, or elements containing text, there would be an option to choose the language in the properties window, with the default language already set and the possibility to create specific texts for each language.

I really hope that one day this solution will be implemented.

Thank you in advance
Add application/x-www-form-urlencoded to Body type in API Connector
Before, selecting JSON, it was possible to "overwrite" the Content-type header with application/x-www-form-urlencoded. But Bubble now force content-type for json body type. Raw data allow to enter a different body type, but only have an option to "raw body", no parameters like in JSON.

Could you add a new Body type (very common) for application/x-www-form-urlencoded and keep only parameters like in form-data?
Adding all the currencies currently used in the world
You lack currencies of many countries, these days a developer from one country works for a company in another country, there is an important need to add the ability to combine all types of currencies, in particular this will help for the establishment of a system for financial companies that need to track indices of different currencies
Add private/public properties and private/public custom events to reusables
This is OOP Concept - Encapsulation
Dynamic date display choice for Users, useful in global Bubble apps
Could Bubble include in the Date Formatting Type the type 'Dynamic', so Users can choose the way they prefer dates to be shown. For example a User should be able to choose date display format such as dd mmm yy or dd mm yyyy or any version of the dd mm yy ? I will have Users in different parts of the world and some like dd mm yy and some like mm dd yy etc. I realise I can change this as a developer but I want my Users to be able to choose the date formatting they prefer. Hope this makes sense.
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Ability to track time and activity an invited collaborators is working
To keep invited collaborators honest and for sheer time-tracking purposes, account owners should be able to see how much time a collaborator is spending doing work in the Bubble editor. Far too many developers are not truthful, and I am not the only one who has been burned... more than once. Collaborator tracking like this really should be a part of Bubble's features. It would also benefit project managers who need to legitimately track time for their contractors.
What to track:

- Hours/minutes logged in
- Hours/minutes active in editor (Not just logged in but inactive/afk)
- Number of times they are making changes (Black update bar in preview is triggered(?))
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